
Ask No Questions

Ask No Questions (2020)

Dokumentar | Kanada

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When Chinese state television blames his faith for a fiery public suicide, Chen Ruichang is detained in a Clockwork Orange-style brainwashing facility and forced to accept the government's account.


Foto: RTL / © Lofty Sky EntertainmentFoto: RTL / © Lofty Sky EntertainmentFoto: RTL / © Lofty Sky EntertainmentFoto: RTL / © Lofty Sky EntertainmentFoto: RTL / © Lofty Sky EntertainmentFoto: RTL / © Lofty Sky EntertainmentFoto: RTL / © Lofty Sky EntertainmentFoto: RTL / © Lofty Sky EntertainmentFoto: RTL / © Lofty Sky EntertainmentFoto: RTL / © Lofty Sky EntertainmentFoto: RTL / © Lofty Sky EntertainmentFoto: RTL / © Lofty Sky EntertainmentFoto: RTL / © Lofty Sky EntertainmentFoto: RTL / © Lofty Sky EntertainmentFoto: RTL / © Lofty Sky Entertainment


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