Wir alle Das Dorf

Wir alle Das Dorf (2021)

Dokumentar | Gjermani

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Somewhere, in the middle of the structurally weak region, the Wendland in Germany, people have decided to found a village. A model village for Europe's future, for a hundred old, a hundred refugees and a hundred young people. By now, this social experiment has already come to be a micro cosmos of society. Just like under a burning lens, hot topics are discussed and solutions are found to the problems, that affect us all: the integration of refugees, an aging society, social isolation and the difficulties of people with disabilities, seniors or single parents, the lack of perspective for young people in the provinces... It is a mammoth project, a bureaucratic hurdle race, an idealized utopia - spun and carried by very special protagonists. The village can become the prototype for a European way of life on the country side, it can, however, also end in an ecological senior residency.



Wir alle Das DorfWir alle Das DorfWir alle Das Dorf


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