Forged in Fire: Beat the Judges: The No Can Can

Forged in Fire: Beat the Judges (2020)

Game-show | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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EPISODI: 5 - The No Can Can


Three Champions return for an opportunity to take down a judge. Only two move forward to recreate a Falcata. Ultimately one champion heads into the judges arena where they have just 8-hours to forge a short sword using the canister method.


Forged in Fire: Beat the JudgesForged in Fire: Beat the JudgesForged in Fire: Beat the JudgesForged in Fire: Beat the JudgesForged in Fire: Beat the JudgesForged in Fire: Beat the JudgesForged in Fire: Beat the JudgesForged in Fire: Beat the JudgesForged in Fire: Beat the JudgesForged in Fire: Beat the JudgesForged in Fire: Beat the JudgesForged in Fire: Beat the JudgesForged in Fire: Beat the JudgesForged in Fire: Beat the JudgesForged in Fire: Beat the Judges


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