EPISODI: 2 - The Riddle of the Lynx


After a full day of patients, a pregnant Yorkie named Dixie keeps Dr. Oakley up all night with an emergency C-section. But once the puppies are out, Dr. Oakley's work is just getting started. A lynx has some valuable data. A mustang suffers from a hoof abscess, but this horse might just bring Dr. Oakley to her knees. Ferrets cause Dr. Oakley to get all up in their business and a bald eagle is in danger of developing bumble foot.


Dr. Oakley, Yukon VetDr. Oakley, Yukon VetDr. Oakley, Yukon VetDr. Oakley, Yukon VetDr. Oakley, Yukon VetDr. Oakley, Yukon VetDr. Oakley, Yukon VetDr. Oakley, Yukon VetDr. Oakley, Yukon VetDr. Oakley, Yukon VetDr. Oakley, Yukon VetDr. Oakley, Yukon VetDr. Oakley, Yukon Vet


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