
Natyra Jonë: Attenborough's Wonder of Eggs

Natural World (2018)

Natyrë, Dokumentar, Kafshë | Mbretëria e Bashkuar

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EPISODI: 1 - Attenborough's Wonder of Eggs


David Attenborough has a passion for birds' eggs. These remarkable structures nurture new life, protecting it from the outside world at the same time as allowing it to breathe. They are strong enough to withstand the full weight of an incubating parent and weak enough to allow a chick to break free.


Natyra JonëBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC Studios


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