
Hate Thy Neighbour: Hunting the White Devil

Hate Thy Neighbour (2016)

Dokumentar, Komedi | Mbretëria e Bashkuar
Regjia: Danni Mynard

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EPISODI: 2 - Hunting the White Devil


Comedian Jamali Maddix goes to Harlem, New York to meet members of the Israelite School of Universal Practical Knowledge, the infamous black separatist group who believe they are the true Jewish descendants of the Twelve Tribes of Israel and that white people are possessed by Satan. Jamali accompanies charismatic Priest and leader, General Yahanna, and his die-hard acolytes as they spread their message through street preaching and radio shows, and train to use AK-47s. Jamali's on a mission to get to know the real men behind the outlandish uniforms and vocal street rants to find out what led them to join such a radical movement. But Jamali’s journey takes a turn after news of another police shooting; he follows the General to Charlotte, North Carolina and finds himself at the centre of a stand-off between protesters, riot police and the black Israelites in a microcosm of America’s next race war.


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