Ono što jesam: Život je igra

Ono što jesam (2014)

Dokumentar | Kroaci

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Shfaqja nuk është në dispozicion
Vlerësimi i përdoruesit: 9/10




A documentary series about people with different, interesting lifestyles. This specific lifestyle may be linked to their profession, but it can also be just a hobby, a specific life choice or a specific situation. The key thing is that these people feel so much passion which completely subordinates their whole way of life. Their vocations vary from professional bodybuilders, poker players, lighthouse keepers, a young priest, a ballet dancer, fans, couch surfers, people who have turned their life in harmony with nature...



Ono što jesam: Život je igraOno što jesam: Život je igraOno što jesam: Život je igraOno što jesam: Život je igraOno što jesam: Život je igraOno što jesam: Život je igraOno što jesam: Život je igraOno što jesam: Život je igraOno što jesam: Život je igraOno što jesam: Život je igraOno što jesam: Život je igraOno što jesam: Život je igraOno što jesam: Život je igraOno što jesam: Život je igraOno što jesam: Život je igra


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