
The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door: When Neighbours Attack

The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door (2014)

Dokumentar, Reality show | Mbretëria e Bashkuar

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EPISODI: 7 - When Neighbours Attack


The series investigating residential disputes continues, turning attention to feuds that turned violent. Among the stories highlighted are that of former paratrooper Rod who was attacked outside his own home by a knife-wielding neighbour, and 71-year-old Michael, a Suffolk villager whose fellow residents claim he has systematically harassed them, culminating in an assault in which he punched one of his neighbours repeatedly - an incident that was caught on camera. The programme also considers the devastating consequences when personal altercations end up escalating into neighbourhood wars, revealing how a conflict between the Webbs and the Browns in transformed their street in Devon into a war-zone.


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