
The Dog Rescuers with Alan Davies: The Dog Rescuers with Alan Davies

The Dog Rescuers (2013)

Kafshë, Reality show | Mbretëria e Bashkuar

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EPISODI: 7 - The Dog Rescuers with Alan Davies


Inspector Jason Bowles discovers two malnourished mastiffs living in a ramshackle Bury shelter. Meanwhile in Derby, two hairy lhasa apsos are found with fur so matted that one of them can't use its legs properly. Elsewhere, teenagers help train rescue dogs in the hope they can be rehomed, and there is an update about Cassie, the Staffie rescued from a drugs den by inspector Kate Fletcher.


The Dog Rescuers with Alan DaviesThe Dog Rescuers with Alan DaviesThe Dog Rescuers with Alan DaviesThe Dog Rescuers with Alan DaviesThe Dog Rescuers with Alan Davies


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