High Court enforcement officers Paul and Steve's first job is an eviction with a twist when they find out the landlord is the tenant's mother, while their next case is also tricky and involves family members with a question mark over their immigration status who are now facing homelessness. Their final case involves a man with a history of mental illness who has reached the end of his tenancy but refuses to leave, and Steve tries to find a solution after a church minister and his mother fail to placate him. Last in the series.


Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away!Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away!Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away!Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away!Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away!Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away!Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away!Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away!Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away!Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away!Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away!Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away!Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away!Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away!


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