
Gjahtarët ndërkombëtarë të shtëpive

House Hunters International (2006)

Reality show | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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Bruce Chipps leads a stressful life in Los Angeles, California, directing a live, four-hour television broadcast from area race tracks. But the job comes with one fabulous perk: Bruce gets up to six months off each year. Recently, Bruce saw the movie "Under the Tuscan Sun" which tells the story of an American woman who moves to the Italian countryside to renovate a centuries-old home, and live "the sweet life." Bruce was inspired and decided he wanted to do the same thing during his ample vacation time each year. He has just $65,000 to spend, so instead of Tuscany, which is known to be expensive, Bruce plans to look for a villa in the nearby region of Abruzzo. Helping Bruce realize his dream is real estate agent Nicola Anne Di Girolamo. The first place she shows Bruce is listed right on budget, at $65,000, and has 1300 square feet. The downstairs is in good shape, but the upstairs requires a total renovation. The second place is not at all renovated, and would require serious work to make it even livable. But it's listed at just $26,000, and has 800 square feet. The third place is just the opposite. It is completely renovated with style and has 1300 square feet, but it's listed at a budget breaking $143,000. Is Bruce willing to spend more? Or is he happy to take on significant overseas renovations? Find out when House Hunters International travels to the Italian countryside


Gjahtarët ndërkombëtarë të shtëpiveGjahtarët ndërkombëtarë të shtëpiveGjahtarët ndërkombëtarë të shtëpiveGjahtarët ndërkombëtarë të shtëpiveGjahtarët ndërkombëtarë të shtëpiveGjahtarët ndërkombëtarë të shtëpiveGjahtarët ndërkombëtarë të shtëpiveGjahtarët ndërkombëtarë të shtëpiveGjahtarët ndërkombëtarë të shtëpiveGjahtarët ndërkombëtarë të shtëpiveGjahtarët ndërkombëtarë të shtëpiveGjahtarët ndërkombëtarë të shtëpiveGjahtarët ndërkombëtarë të shtëpiveGjahtarët ndërkombëtarë të shtëpiveGjahtarët ndërkombëtarë të shtëpive


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