
Ready Jet Go!: Earth Wind & Flyer/Mini-Golf at the DSA

Ready Jet Go! (2018)

Animacion, Familjar, Fantashkencë | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës, Kanada

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EPISODI: 10 - Earth Wind & Flyer/Mini-Golf at the DSA


"Earth Wind & Flyer": Jet is fascinated by the effects of wind on his saucer. He and the kids study how wind works, ending with Sean going on a wild saucer ride. "Mini-Golf At The DSA": Jet is fascinated by Earthie golf, and Sean and Sydney try to teach him the rules. When the DSA builds a new mini-golf course, the kids team up against the grownups, and Jet gets to apply his new knowledge of force.


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