
Miq dhe Heronj: Aid and Comfort

Friends and Heroes (2007)

Aksion, Animacion, Familjar | Mbretëria e Bashkuar, Kanada
Regjia: Dave Osborne

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EPISODI: 20 - Aid and Comfort


Toadie gets very ill (sick, too) and only Macky can get the medicine that will save Toadie’s life. But will he? He decides to do it when Lucius tells him how Elisha helped Naaman, even though Naaman was an enemy soldier.

While Toadie hallucinates in his sickbed, Macky takes the medicine out of Jerusalem. As Macky makes the perilous trip to the Roman camp, the zealot Amikam follows him, suspicious. Is Macky trying to betray the zealots in some way?

Still grumbling about having to help his enemy, Macky arrives at Lucius’s tent and gets a surprise: Lucius’s young son Antonius is now ill, too. Macky overhears Lucius tell Antonius how Jesus cured the woman who was bleeding, then hands over the medicine – which will now be used to cure both Toadie and Antonius.

Just as Macky is leaving Lucius’s tent, Amikam confronts him. Overhearing this, Lucius thinks fast and comes running out after Macky, accusing him of trying to steal from him. Hearing this, Amikam’s suspicions of Macky fade and the two hurry back to Jerusalem together.


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