
Escape to the Chateau

Escape to the Chateau II. (2016)

Reality show | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
Regjia: Tina Jenkins

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Series following a British family through the process of buying and restoring a French chateau that has been empty for the past four decades. Dick Strawbridge and his partner Angel Adoree's new home has 12 acres of land, nine outbuildings, a walled garden and a moat--but it lacks electricity, heating, and water, and proves to be a far more complicated DIY project than they expected.


Escape to the ChateauEscape to the ChateauEscape to the ChateauEscape to the ChateauEscape to the ChateauEscape to the ChateauEscape to the ChateauEscape to the ChateauEscape to the ChateauEscape to the ChateauEscape to the ChateauEscape to the ChateauEscape to the ChateauEscape to the ChateauEscape to the Chateau


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