
Ultimate Survival Alaska

Ultimate Survival Alaska (2013)

Dokumentar, Udhëtim | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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They are some of the toughest, most extreme survivalists from across the nation. In the second season of Ultimate Survival Alaska, four teams - woodsmen, mountaineers, military veterans, and endurance athletes go head-to-head in an epic arctic competition that only National Geographic could inspire. Dropped in the middle of the Alaskan wilderness by bush plane, with only their raw, die-hard ingenuity and the gear on their backs, they'll navigate through treacherous glaciated river valleys, barren ridge-lines, and high mountain peaks, battling hunger, hostile predators, and perilous weather conditions along the way. Like the original National Geographic explorers, for those who succeed there is no grand prize, just the well-fought pride of having conquered the grueling challenges that Mother Nature can throw at them. It's an epic competition series where the only prize is survival.


Ultimate Survival AlaskaUltimate Survival AlaskaUltimate Survival AlaskaUltimate Survival AlaskaUltimate Survival AlaskaUltimate Survival AlaskaUltimate Survival AlaskaUltimate Survival AlaskaUltimate Survival AlaskaUltimate Survival AlaskaUltimate Survival AlaskaUltimate Survival AlaskaUltimate Survival AlaskaUltimate Survival AlaskaUltimate Survival Alaska


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