
Treasures Decoded

Treasures Decoded (2012)

Dokumentar, Histori, Mister | Mbretëria e Bashkuar

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Our world holds remarkable relics that are full of secrets, written in stone, gold, and blood. Discovering the truths behind these mysteries could change history as we know it. Join us as we travel the globe and come face-to-face with these puzzling treasures. We explore hidden corners, decipher ancient documents, and apply groundbreaking research and forensic techniques to discover the truth about these fabled cities, monuments, and remnants.


Treasures DecodedTreasures DecodedTreasures DecodedBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC Studios


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