
Iberia's Woodlands: Life on the Edge: Rivalry Time

Iberia's Woodlands (2022)


EPISODI: 2 - Rivalry Time


Rivalry defines all life in the forests of the Iberian Peninsula. The arrival of summer marks the beginning of what will be a prolonged period of drought in the region, making survival even more difficult for the animals who call this place home. Every creature must fight for limited resources - making competition both within and between species unavoidable.


Iberia's Woodlands: Life on the EdgeIberia's Woodlands: Life on the EdgeIberia's Woodlands: Life on the EdgeIberia's Woodlands: Life on the EdgeIberia's Woodlands: Life on the EdgeIberia's Woodlands: Life on the EdgeIberia's Woodlands: Life on the EdgeIberia's Woodlands: Life on the EdgeIberia's Woodlands: Life on the EdgeIberia's Woodlands: Life on the EdgeIberia's Woodlands: Life on the EdgeIberia's Woodlands: Life on the EdgeIberia's Woodlands: Life on the EdgeIberia's Woodlands: Life on the EdgeIberia's Woodlands: Life on the Edge


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