
Magellan’s Voyage - Search for the Spice Islands

Magellans Reise um die Erde - Das Abenteuer der ersten Weltumsegelung (2020)

Dokumentar, Histori | Gjermani
ZDFneo | Sot | 15:10

Vlerësimi: 7.1/10

EPISODI: Magellan's Voyage: Search for the Spice Islands


In 1519, Portuguese captain Ferdinand Magellan and his men set sail on behalf of the Spanish crown, on one of the greatest maritime adventures in history, setting off on an expedition to the East Indies.


Magellan’s Voyage - Search for the Spice IslandsMagellan’s Voyage - Search for the Spice IslandsMagellan’s Voyage - Search for the Spice IslandsMagellan’s Voyage - Search for the Spice IslandsMagellan’s Voyage - Search for the Spice IslandsMagellan’s Voyage - Search for the Spice IslandsMagellan’s Voyage - Search for the Spice IslandsMagellan’s Voyage - Search for the Spice IslandsMagellan’s Voyage - Search for the Spice IslandsMagellan’s Voyage - Search for the Spice IslandsMagellan’s Voyage - Search for the Spice IslandsMagellan’s Voyage - Search for the Spice IslandsMagellan’s Voyage - Search for the Spice IslandsMagellan’s Voyage - Search for the Spice IslandsMagellan’s Voyage - Search for the Spice Islands


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