Nico’s mouth-watering dishes, his boundless enthusiasm and unrivalled knowledge of the grill are guaranteed to bring some sunshine, whatever the weather! This six-part series is all about giving you the skills, tips and recipes to help you up your grilling game and barbecue like a pro. It’s time to banish the limp sausages and charred burgers, Nico’s here to introduce his signature BBQ recipes and tantalising flavour combinations that will keep your guests coming back for more. Taking inspiration from the delicious recipes passed down through his family, combined with his extensive travels in South America, he effortlessly combines these tantalising flavours with the best of Irish ingredients to create totally unique recipes


Niko Rejnolds: Gati Për GatimNiko Rejnolds: Gati Për GatimNiko Rejnolds: Gati Për GatimNiko Rejnolds: Gati Për GatimNiko Rejnolds: Gati Për GatimNiko Rejnolds: Gati Për GatimNiko Rejnolds: Gati Për GatimNiko Rejnolds: Gati Për Gatim


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