
Pause with Sam Jay: Tea-M.Z.

Pause with Sam Jay (2021)

Talk-show | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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EPISODI: 2 - Tea-M.Z.


Each week, writer and stand-up comedian Sam Jay hosts a party at her apartment, where she and her guests explore current topics. In an era of discord, Sam sets out to listen, learn, and ask questions to those with different perspectives.
Emmy®-nominated writer and stand-up comedian Sam Jay hosts the six-episode, half hour HBO late night talk series, PAUSE WITH SAM JAY. Created by Sam Jay (Netflix's "Sam Jay: 3 in the Morning") and Prentice Penny (HBO's "Insecure"), the series features a new take on the late-night talk show format and uses a fresh lens to plunge into the cultural issues that divide us. Each week, Sam hosts a party at her apartment, where she and her guests explore current topics. Conversations are further expanded upon throughout the episode with additional interviews, sketches, and animation. In an era of discord, Sam sets out to listen, learn, and ask questions to those with different perspectives.



Pause with Sam JayPause with Sam JayPause with Sam JayPause with Sam JayPause with Sam JayPause with Sam JayPause with Sam JayPause with Sam Jay


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