Vlerësimi: 5.0/10


Ska rishikime
  • Soldier Jane (2013)

    Fanni has had enough of money and Anna has had enough of pigs. Fanni leaves the city and her pearls behind, while Anna is stuck wearing muddy overalls. When they...
  • Pesha e kohës (1988)

    Modernizimi i bujqësisë e blegtorisë, dhe tufëzimi si dukuri e re në fundin e viteve '80 në Shqipëri, do të jenë shqetësimi i një kryetari të ri të kooperativës....
  • Talea (2013)

    It's summer holidays, and the planned Italian holiday with Jasmin's foster family is just around the corner. Everyone is looking forward to the trip - except...
  • A Private Affair (2016)

    An investigative journalist enters a steamy affair with Ben, a prominent New York banker to get the secrets of the shady finance world. When he becomes aware of...

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