Tora Hallström


Држава: Sweden

Пол: F

Роденден: 1995-01-01

Tora Hallstrom born 1995, is an American actress, and is the daughter of renowned director Lasse Hallstrom and actress Lena Olin, she also has two half-brothers: Johan Hallstrom and F. Auguste Rahmberg. Hallstrom made her film debut at age 13, when her father chose her to portray Heather, a student, in the movie Hachi: A Dog's Tale. Four years later she would play the role of a waitress in the film Safe Haven, also directed by Lasse.


  1. ...
  2. ...
    Ivan's Waitress
  3. 3. Tilde (2021), серија
    Self - Gäst
  4. 4. Carina Bergfeldt (2021), серија
    Self - Gäst
  5. 5. Hilma (2022), филм
    Younger Hilma

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