Neil Simon

Роденден: 1927

Умре: 2018


  1. ...
    (from the play by)
  2. 3. After the Fox (1966), филм
  3. ...
  4. ...
    (from the play by)
  5. 8. The Odd Couple (1970), серија
  6. ...
    (from the play by)
  7. ...
  8. ...
  9. ...
  10. 18. Drugo poglavlje (1979), филм
  11. ...
  12. 21. Libby (1982), филм
  13. ...
  14. ...
  15. 27. Lost in Yonkers (1993), филм
  16. ...
    (based upon the screenplay by)
  17. ...
    (1977 screenplay)
  18. 33. To kokkino domatio (2005), серија
    (from the play by)
  19. ...
    (1972 screenplay)
  20. 35. Чудан пар (2015), серија
    (based on the play "The Odd Couple" by)


  1. ...
    associate producer (uncredited)
  2. ...
    executive producer

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