Catherine Scorsese


Држава: United States

Пол: F

Роденден: 1912-04-16

Умре: 1997-01-06

Catherine Scorsese was an American actress and mother of filmmaker Martin Scorsese. Scorsese was of Italian descent and frequently played the role of an Italian mother. She is perhaps most well known for her appearance in her son's film Goodfellas, as Mrs. DeVito, Tommy's mother. She published a recipe book, Italianamerican: The Scorsese Family Cookbook.


  1. ...
    Piscano's Mother
  2. ...
    Woman on Landing
  3. ...
    Tommy's Mother
  4. 6. Казино (1995), филм
    Piscano's Mother


  1. ...
    Rupert's Mom

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