
Garage Sale Mystery: Murder by Text

Garage Sale Mystery: Murder by Text (2017)

Dramë, Krim, Thriller, Mister | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

Vlerësimi: 6.7/10
Vlerësimi i përdoruesit: 6.7/10
(6 Voto)


Garage Sale Mystery movies are a set of hallmark movies about an antique store owner named Jennifer Shannon. She owns a store and fills it by going to garage sales and taking in items on consignment. This movie, "Murder by Text," is about a suicide that took place in a band members' home. Jennifer, as usual, believes this isn't a suicide but a murder. But by whom? Is it her estranged husband that just shows up out of the blue or one or more of the other band members? She begins her own investigation that includes a forensic pathologist and an investigator. Meanwhile, Jennifer's partner in the antique store, Dani, has an unexpected family member visit. The visit takes an interesting twist. And another story line is between Jennifer's husband, Jason Shannon, their daughter and several young people in the town. He is an architect and is planning to tear down a building the young people want to save. This makes an interesting atmosphere between the man and his daughter. There is no spoiler here, so if you want to know more, watch the movie.


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