

Columbo (1971)

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Recenzije: Columbo

Pregled od hymie
nedelja, 26. februar 2023. 13:39
AGENDA FOR MURDER is a fine instalment of the late-stage Columbo series and another that features Patrick McGoohan giving a stern and authoritative performance as the murder suspect. McGoohan directed the film too and certainly knows his business, creating a well-paced and snappy production in which the detection and the humour go hand in hand. These elements combine to make AGENDA FOR MURDER one of the strongest of all the latter Columbos.

McGoohan plays a high-flying lawyer who murders an old acquaintance who has dirt on him and makes it look like a suicide. Unfortunately for him, he leaves plenty of clues behind at the crime scene, and Columbo is soon on the case. One of the clues is a major one that's revealed in a twist ending that most viewers will be able to guess, but the rest of the small stuff - like the blood spot underneath the gun - are clever and show once again how it's the little things that count.

Peter Falk is in his element here and really seems to be enjoying himself more than ever. His Columbo is more nuanced than usual and the supporting cast seem to be giving better performances than ever so that he has plenty of material to work with. The humour is character based rather than being silly as in some of the later episodes and despite the hour and a half running time, AGENDA FOR MURDER is never slow or uninteresting. It's a terrific episode.
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