
A Father's Nightmare

A Father's Nightmare (2018)

Трилер | Канада
Режисер: Vic Sarin

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 5.5/10


Lisa, a college freshman on a gymnastics scholarship, is surprised to find her new roommate is not a fellow gymnast, but Vanessa, an older, more experienced girl. As the new roommates bond, Vanessa becomes increasingly manipulative, playing Lisa against her teammates, undermining her confidence and making Lisa emotionally dependent on her. Though he's kept at a distance, Lisa's father Matt senses trouble, especially as Lisa's behaviour becomes more erratic after Vanessa introduces her to an expanding cocktail of "performance enhancing" prescription drugs. Stymied by the school's administration, Matt takes matters into his own hands, investigating Vanessa's identity. As Vanessa pushes Lisa to the brink of suicide after she faces a drug test and potential expulsion, Matt makes a shocking discovery and must confront a secret from his past in order to save his daughter.


A Father's NightmareA Father's NightmareA Father's NightmareA Father's NightmareA Father's NightmareA Father's NightmareA Father's NightmareA Father's NightmareA Father's NightmareA Father's NightmareA Father's Nightmare


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