
Joe Dick

Joe Dick (2017)

Режисер: Greg Lindsay

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 5.7/10


When detective reality show loser, Nick Knight, is paid good money to try to find who killed the show's successful producer, Charles Forsythe Carrington, he teams up with the producer's gorgeous daughter and a fellow contestant to find out who killed him and why in this comedic romp! Throughout this hilarious slapstick journey, he's reminded of his shortcomings from his frank talking employer, Maria, butts heads with the producer's personal, uptight attorney, Dewey Chatem, and perpetually pesters the producer's chain smoking business partner, Winston Marlboro. The comedy is fast, physical and often absurd as we follow our bumbling hero to the climax. Will Nick solve the crime, get the girl and prove to everyone that he's Joe Dick?


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