Edward Arnold


Држава: United States

Пол: M

Роденден: 1890-02-18

Умре: 1956-04-26

Edward Arnold was born as Gunther Edward Arnold Schneider in 1890, on the Lower East Side of New York City, the son of German immigrants, Elizabeth (Ohse) and Carl Schneider. Arnold began his acting career on the New York stage and became a film actor in 1916. A burly man with a commanding style and superb baritone voice, he was a popular screen personality for decades, and was the star of such film classics as Diamond Jim (1935) (a role he reprised in Le roman de Lillian Russell (1940)) Arnold appeared in over 150 films and was President of The Screen Actors Guild shortly before his death in 1956.


  1. 1. The Barbarian (1933), филм
    Pasha Achmed
  2. ...
    Big Bill Barton
  3. 3. Sadie McKee (1934), филм
  4. ...
    Insp. Porfiry
  5. ...
    J.B. Ball
  6. ...
    Jim Fisk
  7. ...
    Anthony P. Kirby
  8. ...
    Jim Taylor
  9. 10. Idiot's Delight (1939), филм
    Achille Weber
  10. ...
    D.B. Norton
  11. ...
    Daniel Webster
  12. ...
    T.T. Ralston
  13. 14. Johnny Eager (1941), филм
    John Benson Farrell
  14. 15. Kismet (1944), филм
    The Grand Vizier
  15. ...
    Lawyer ('Pay the Two Dollars')
  16. 17. Тврдице (1947), филм
    David 'Dave' Lash
  17. 18. Dear Brat (1951), филм
    Senator Wilkins
  18. ...
    Penrod Biddel
  19. ...
    The Mayor
  20. ...

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