

Роденден: 1907

Умре: 1983


  1. ...
  2. ...
    (graphic novel "L'affaire Tournesol"/"De Zaak Zonn
  3. ...
  4. ...
    (graphic novels "Les sept boules de cristal" and "
  5. ...
  6. ...
    (graphic novel "Le trésor de Rackham le Rouge")
  7. ...
    (graphic novel "L'affaire Tournesol")
  8. ...
    (graphic novel "L'ile noire")
  9. ...
    (graphic novel "Le secret de la Licorne")
  10. ...
    (graphic novel "Le crabe aux pinces d'or")
  11. 11. The Blue Lotus (1991), филм
    (graphic novel "Le lotus bleu")
  12. ...
    (graphic novel "Les cigares du Pharaon")
  13. ...
    (graphic novel "Tintin en Amérique")
  14. ...
    (graphic novel "Le sceptre d'Ottokar")
  15. 16. Flight 714 (1992), филм
    (graphic novel "Vol 714 pour Sydney")
  16. ...
    (graphic novel "Les bijoux de la Castafiore")
  17. ...
    (graphic novel "On a marché sur la lune")
  18. ...
    (graphic novel "Objectif lune")
  19. ...
    (graphic novel "Coke en Stock")
  20. ...
    (based on "The Adventures of Tintin" by)

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