Gösta Ekman


Држава: Sweden

Пол: M

Роденден: 1890-12-28

Умре: 1938-01-12

Frans Gösta Viktor Ekman (28 December 1890 – 12 January 1938) was a Swedish actor. Generally spoken of as Swedish theatre's most legendary stage actor, Gösta Ekman enjoyed a prolific stage career during his short life, becoming the first real star of Swedish theatre. His boyish good looks attracted both sexes, helping to create a massive cult following and elevating him to the status of a living legend. Combined with a beautiful voice and a powerful stage presence, Ekman was able to captivate his audiences.


  1. 1. Фауст (1926), филм
  2. 2. For Her Sake (1930), филм
    Gunnar Lanner
  3. ...
    Claes af Leijonstam
  4. 4. Intermezzo (1936), филм


  1. 1. For Her Sake (1930), филм
    (memoirs Den taenkande August)

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