A series that explores engineering mega projects worldwide, and relates them back to the original scientific discoveries that made these modern day projects possible.

Ishte në kanal:

NTV DE  Discovery Channel  

  • Terra X (1982)

    Terra X - Expedition into the unknown.
  • WWII Documentary Films

    Award-winning documentary films produced to enlighten future generations about the personal stories of the WWII generations.
  • Histori Shqiptare

    Reportazh nga Alma Cupi. Histori per njerezit qe punojne, kontribuojne per komunitetin, ngrene biznese, ruajne, traditen, kulturen si dhe ndihmojne ne zhvillimin...
  • Ancient Superstructures (2020)

    This ground-breaking series takes a unique approach in delving into engineering mysteries behind the world's most famous ancient structures, by observing them...

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