Whose Line Is It Anyway?: Greg Proops

Whose Line Is It Anyway? (2005)

Komedi | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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EPISODI: 10 - Greg Proops


Game 1: Hollywood Director

Colin directs Ryan as an Old West engineer driving a train carrying gold bullion, Wayne as a bandit trying to rob it, and Greg as the whip wielding Southern owner of the train who comes in to save the day. He suggests: Hong Kong action film where the actors are doing their own subtitles. As much sexual innuendo as possible.

Game 2: Scenes From A Hat Bad times to be distracted by a beautiful woman. Making mundane instructions sound sexy. What President Bush does in the Oval Office when he's all by himself. Things You Can Say About The Food You Eat, but, not about your girlfriend.

Game 3: African Chant Audience member Julia teaches dance lessons to Wayne and the rest of the gang.

Game 4: Sound Effects Audience members Lola and Mimi help out Ryan and Colin, who are James Bond and his beautiful accomplice, Tiffany, who are attacked by enemy agents when they settle down for an intimate moment at a chalet.

Game 5: Fashion Models Greg is comment


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