
Dr. G: Medical Examiner: Dark Secrets

Dr. G: Medical Examiner (2007)

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EPIZODA: 9 - Dark Secrets


A 32-year-old man suffers a heart attack at the hospital and dies a week later. The hospital finds traces of amphetamine (also known as speed) in the man's urine and concludes that the man's heart attack was due to amphetamine abuse. The man's mother claims that he would never use illegal drugs. Dr. G must find out whether drug abuse actually played a role in the man's death.Dr. G and field investigators explain how car wreck fatalities are processed at the scene and in the morgue, and how common mistakes that cause vehicle related fatalities can be avoided.A hotel manager is found dead at the bottom of the stairs of his living quarters. At first it appears that the man accidentally fell, but wounds are found that could be consistent with an assault. Adding to the suspicion of investigators, the man was not popular in town. With possible evidence and motive, Dr. G must determine whether foul play was involved in the man's death.


Dr. G: Medical ExaminerFoto: RTLFoto: RTL


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