

JAG (1998)

Dramë | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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Commander Harmon Rabb, Jr. and Lieutenant Colonel Sarah MacKenzie are JAG lawyers, who together investigate and litigate crimes committed by Navy and Marine personnel. Occasionally, they engage in adventurous activities in order to solve their cases. With Rabb's fighter pilot background, and MacKenzie's good looks, they are a hot team both in and out of the courtroom.


Foto: RTL / 2018 CBS Studios Inc.Foto: RTL / 2018 CBS Studios Inc.Foto: RTL / 2018 CBS Studios Inc.Foto: RTL / 2018 CBS Studios Inc.Foto: RTL / 2018 CBS Studios Inc.Foto: RTL / 2018 CBS Studios Inc.Foto: RTL / 2018 CBS Studios Inc.Foto: RTL / 2018 CBS Studios Inc.Foto: RTL / 2018 CBS Studios Inc.Foto: RTL / 2018 CBS Studios Inc.JAGJAGJAGJAGJAG


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