Ambika Mohan



  1. ...
    Wife of Madayi Surendran; they are parents of Radh
  2. 2. Nammal (2002), Film
    Jojo Thomas's mother
  3. ...
    Soudamini, the wife of Padmanabhan and mother of M
  4. ...
  5. ...
  6. ...
  7. ...
    Wife of Devan
  8. ...
    Wife of Madayi Surendran; they are parents of Radh
  9. 10. Vajram (2004), Film
    Mother of Nandu
  10. ...
    Koya's Wife
  11. 13. The Don (2006), Film
    Mother of Anumol
  12. 14. Lion (2006), Film
    Annie's mother
  13. ...
    Wife of Madayi Surendran; they are parents of Radh
  14. 16. Chocolate (2007), Film
  15. ...
    Wife of Madayi Surendran; they are parents of Radh
  16. ...
    Wife of Madayi Surendran; they are parents of Radh
  17. 19. Gulmohar (2008), Film
  18. 21. Cycle (2008), Film
    Wife of Jabbar; they are neighbors of Sanju
  19. ...
  20. ...
    Wife of Veerankutty Sahib (Saikumar); they are the
  21. ...
    Annie's mother
  22. 25. Swa Le (2009), Film
    Govindan's Wife
  23. ...
  24. 27. Koottukar (2010), Film
    Ashwathy's Mother
  25. 28. Chekavar (2010), Film
  26. ...
    Family Court Judge
  27. ...
    Mary's Mother
  28. 31. Avan (2010), Film
  29. ...
  30. 33. Sevenes (2011), Film
  31. ...
    Ramani the wife of Sarkar Pillai (Jagathi S); they
  32. ...
    Mother of Maya
  33. ...
    Savithri Teacher
  34. ...
    Chandrasekhar's mother
  35. ...
  36. 41. Nidra (2012), Film
    Mother of Priya
  37. ...
    Wife of Madayi Surendran; they are parents of Radh
  38. ...
  39. ...
    Family Court Judge
  40. ...
  41. 47. Cowboy (2013), Film
    Mother of Vinay & Veena
  42. 48. Pakida (2014), Film
  43. 49. Avatharam (2014), Film
  44. ...
    Mother of Aruna
  45. 53. Ithihasa (2014), Film
  46. ...
  47. 55. 1983 (2014), Film
  48. 56. Kanal (2015), Film
    Revathy's Mother
  49. ...
    Mohsin's Mother
  50. ...
    Wife of Madayi Surendran; they are parents of Radh
  51. ...
    Siddharth's Mother
  52. ...
    Wife of Madayi Surendran; they are parents of Radh
  53. 62. Melle (2017), Film
  54. ...
    Sukumaran's Wife
  55. 64. Kumbarees (2019), Film
  56. 66. Shylock (2020), Film
  57. 68. Varayan (2022), Film
    Wife of Isthaakki
  58. ...
    Vaidyar's Patient

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