
Step by Step

Step by Step (1993)

Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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Frank Lambert is a construction worker and a single father of 3 kids: J.T., Alicia "Al", and Brendan. Carol Foster, a beautician, also has 3 children: Dana, Karen, and Mark. After Frank and Carol run into each other on vacation and spontaneously get married, they and their children (who appeared to have known and hated each other) have to learn to live together and love each other. It's not easy, but they are trying to do this step by step.


Step by StepStep by StepStep by StepStep by StepStep by StepStep by StepStep by StepStep by StepStep by StepStep by StepStep by StepStep by StepStep by StepStep by StepStep by Step


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