
Most Haunted: Madame Tussauds

Most Haunted (2009)

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EPIZODA: 15 - Madame Tussauds


London is the destination for Yvette Fielding and the Most Haunted team where fear, dread and eerie dopple-gangers await in the most famous tourist attraction in the world. The attraction has a long and diverse history beginning life in France in the 1700’s – Marie Tussaud, nee Grosholtz, learnt her wax modelling arts from Dr Philippe Curtius, a physician and skilled wax modeller, for whom her mother was housekeeper. On his death, he left his waxwork collection to Marie. By 1835 she was established in London. “The Chamber of Horrors” became one of the first and most popular attractions. Despite success, Madame Tussaud, gained a reputation for being unsmiling and penny-inching. She died in 1850, but her legacy lived on via her sons. The business continued to prosper and by 1884, her grandsons had moved the exhibit to its current location on Marylebone Road. The stories of paranormal occurrences that cling to the attraction and its many exhibits were reason enough for Most Haunted to come and investigate


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