Michael Caine
Država: United Kingdom
Spol: M
Rođendan: 1933-03-14
Sir Michael Caine is an English film actor. He became known for several notable critically acclaimed performances, particularly in films such as Zulu (1964), The Italian Job (1969), Get Carter (1971), Educating Rita (1983) and more recently Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. Caine was knighted in 2000 by Queen Elizabeth II, in recognition of his contribution to cinema.
Caine was born Maurice Joseph Micklewhite in Rotherhithe, South East London, the son of Ellen Frances Marie, a cook and charlady, and Maurice Joseph Micklewhite, a fish market porter.
He was married to actress Patricia Haines from 1955 to 1958. They had one daughter named Dominique. He dated Bianca Jagger in 1968. Caine has been married to actress and model Shakira Baksh since 8 January 1973. They met after Caine saw her appearing in a Maxwell House coffee commercial and a friend gave him her telephone number. They have a daughter named Natasha.
1. Sailor Beware (1956), film...Sailor
2. A Hill in Korea (1956), film...Pvt. Lockyer
3. Steel Bayonet (1957), film...German Soldier (uncredited)
4. The Key (1958), film...Seaman
5. The Two-Headed Spy (1958), film...Gestapo Agent
6. Passport to Shame (1958), film...Bridegroom
7. Urežite njeno ime s ponosom (1958), film...Thirsty Prisoner on Train
8. Monitor (1958), serija...Self
9. Danger Within (1959), film...Prisoner with Pin-Up
10. Foxhole in Cairo (1960), film...Hans Weber
11. The Day the Earth Caught Fire (1961), film...Checkpoint Policeman
12. Solo for Sparrow (1962), film...Mooney
13. Zulu (1964), film...Lt. Gonville Bromhead
14. Slučaj Ipcress (1965), film...Harry Palmer
15. Alfie (1966), film...Alfie
16. Neobična krađa (1966), film...Harry
17. Pogreb u Berlinu (1966), film...Harry Palmer
18. The Wrong Box (1966), film...Michael Finsbury
19. Mozak od milijardu dolara (1967), film...Harry Palmer
20. Kad padne noć (1967), film...Henry Warren
21. Woman Times Seven (1967), film...Handsome Stranger
22. Omnibus (1967), serija...Self
23. Deadfall (1968), film...Henry
24. The Magus (1968), film
25. Bitka za Britaniju (1969), film...Squadron Leader Canfield
26. Prljava igra (1969), film...Capt. Douglas
27. Dobar posao u Italiji (1969), film...Charlie Croker
28. Kasno je za heroje (1970), film...Pvt. Tosh Hearne
29. Sredite Cartera (1971), film...Jack Carter
30. Oteti (1971), film...Alan Breck
31. Parkinson (1971), serija...Self
32. The Last Valley (1971), film
33. Pulp (1972), film...Mickey King
34. Njuškalo (1972), film...Milo Tindle
35. X, Y i Zee (1972), film...Robert Blakeley
36. AFI Life Achievement Award (1973), serija...Self
37. The Marseille Contract (1974), film...John Deray
38. The Black Windmill (1974), film...Maj. John Tarrant
39. Wilbyjeva urota (1975), film...Jim Keogh
40. Čovjek koji je htio biti kralj (1975), film...Peachy Carnehan
41. Romantična Engleskinja (1975), film...Lewis
42. Peeper (1975), film...Leslie C. Tucker
43. Rickles (1975), film...Self
44. Orao je sletio (1976), film...Col. Kurt Steiner
45. Harry i Walter idu u New York (1976), film...Adam Worth
46. Srebrni medvjedi (1977), film...Doc Fletcher
47. Nedostižni most (1977), film...Lt. Col. J.O.E. Vandeleur
48. Apartman hotela California (1978), film...Sidney Cochran
49. Roj (1978), film...Brad Crane
50. Poslednja Posejdonova avantura (1979), film...Capt. Mike Turner
51. Ašanti (1979), film...Dr. David Linderby
52. Obučena da ubije (1980), film...Doctor Robert Elliott
53. Otok (1980), film...Blair Maynard
54. Bijeg u pobjedu (1981), film...The Players: England - Capt. John Colby
55. The Hand (1981), film...Jonathan Lansdale
56. Smrtonosna zamka (1982), film...Sidney Bruhl
57. Odgajajući Ritu (1983), film...Dr. Frank Bryant
58. Čovjek slagalica (1983), film...Philip Kimberley / Sergei Kuzminsky
59. Počasni konzul (1983), film...Charley Fortnum
60. Ljubav u Riju (1984), film...Matthew Hollis
61. Terror in the Aisles (1984), film...Doctor Robert Elliott (archive footage) (uncredite
62. Holcroftova pogodba (1985), film...Noel Holcroft
63. Voda (1985), film...Baxter
64. Hannah i njezine sestre (1986), film...Elliot
65. Ulica polumeseca (1986), film...Lord Bulbeck
66. Mona Lisa (1986), film...Mortwell
67. Slatka sloboda (1986), film...Elliott James
...Narrator (voice)
69. The Whistle Blower (1986), film...Frank
70. Četvrti protokol (1987), film...John Preston
71. Ralje: Osveta (1987), film...Hoagie
73. Surrender (1987), film...Sean Stein
74. Prljavi pokvareni varalice (1988), film...Lawrence Jamieson
75. Bez traga (1988), film...Sherlock Holmes / Reginald Kincaid
...Self - Host
77. Jack the Ripper (1988), serija
78. Clive James' Postcard from... (1989), serija...Self
79. Šok za sistem (1990), film...Graham Marshall
80. Gospodin Sudbina (1990), film...Mike
81. Bullseye! (1990), film...Sidney Lipton
82. Džekil i Hajd (1990), film...Dr. Henry Jekyll / Mr. Edward Hyde
83. Preminger: Anatomy of a Filmmaker (1991), film...Self
84. Muppetova Božićna priča (1992), film...Scrooge
85. Plavi led (1992), film...Harry Anders
86. Iza kulisa (1992), film...Lloyd Fellowes
87. Na smrtonosnoj zemlji (1994), film...Michael Jennings
88. World War II: When Lions Roared (1994), serija
89. Vlak za Peking (1995), film...Harry Palmer
90. Krv i vino (1996), film...Victor
91. Midnight in Saint Petersburg (1996), film...Harry Palmer
92. 20000 milja pod morem (1997), film...Captain Nemo
93. 20,000 milja ispod mora (1997), serija...Captain Nemo
94. Mali glas (1998), film...Ray Say
95. Izvan dometa (1998), film...Haskell
96. Kućna pravila (1999), film...Dr. Wilbur Larch
97. Uhvatite Cartera (2000), film...Cliff Brumby
98. Otrovno pero (2000), film...Royer-Collard
99. Cura na zadatku (2000), film...Victor Melling
100. Shiner (2000), film...Billy 'Shiner' Simpson
101. Posljednje narudžbe (2001), film...Jack
102. Austin Powers u Goldmemberu (2002), film...Nigel Powers
103. Mirni Amerikanac (2002), film...Thomas Fowler
104. Glumci (2003), film...Anthony O'Malley
105. Živi pijesak (2003), film...Jake Mellows
106. Presuda (2003), film...Pierre Brossard
107. Ostarjeli lavovi (2003), film...Garth
108. Zavojiti put oprosta (2004), film...Henry Lair
109. Batman: Početak (2005), film...Alfred
110. Prognostičar (2005), film...Robert Spritzel
111. U naručju vještice (2005), film...Nigel Bigelow
112. Prestiž (2006), film...Cutter
113. Djeca čovječanstva (2006), film...Jasper
114. The Foreign Eye (2006), film...Self
116. Njuškalo (2007), film...Andrew Wyke
117. Bez greške (2007), film...Hobbs
119. Vitez tame (2008), film...Alfred
120. Ima li koga? (2008), film...Clarence
121. Roman Polanski: Tražen i obožavan (2008), film...Self (archive footage)
122. Valentino: posljednji car (2008), film...Self
123. Harry Brown - veteran osvetnik (2009), film...Harry Brown
124. Pinter's Progress (2009), film...Self
125. The Many Faces of... (2009), serija...Self
126. Početak (2010), film...Miles
129. Vitez tame: Povratak (2012), film...Alfred
130. Discovering Huston (2012), film...Self (archive footage)
131. Majstori iluzije (2013), film...Arthur Tressler
132. Posljednja ljubav gospodina Morgana (2013), film...Matthew Morgan
133. Interstellar (2014), film...Professor Brand
134. Umobolnica na osami (2014), film...Benjamin Salt
135. Kingsman: Tajna služba (2014), film...Arthur
136. Posljednji lovac na vještice (2015), film...Dolan 36th
137. Mladost (2015), film...Fred Ballinger
138. Knights of Classic Drama at the BBC (2015), serija...Self
139. Majstori iluzije 2 (2016), film...Arthur Tressler
140. U velikom stilu (2017), film...Joe Harding
141. Moja generacija (2017), film...Self - Presenter
142. Dragi Diktatore (2017), film...General Anton Vincent
143. Šerlok patuljak (2018), film...Lord Redbrick (voice)
144. Kralj lopova (2018), film...Brian Reader
145. Quincy (2018), film...Self
146. An Accidental Studio (2019), film...Self - Actor (archive footage)
147. Hitchcock Confidential (2019), film...Self (archive footage)
148. Tenet (2020), film...Crosby
149. Jednom davno (2020), film...Charlie
150. Tom Kruz: Telo i duša (2020), film...Self (archive footage)
...Self (archive footage)
152. Afera Olivera Twista (2021), film...Fagin
153. Sean Connery: The Man and the Movies (2021), film...Self
154. Bestseleri (2021), film...Harris Shaw
155. Wolfgang (2021), film...Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
156. Ovo je Joan Collins (2022), film...Self (archive footage)
157. Jan Žižka (2022), film...Lord Boresh
158. Heath Ledger: A Tragic Tale (2022), film...Self
159. MCAINE: An Anagram of Cinema (2023), film...Self - Narrator
160. Veliki bjegunac (2023), film...Bernard Jordan
...Self - Actor, Deathtrap (archive footage)
1. Sredite Cartera (1971), film...producer (uncredited)
2. Pulp (1972), film...producer (uncredited)
3. Četvrti protokol (1987), film...executive producer
4. Plavi led (1992), film
5. Dvojnik (2013), film...executive producer
6. Moja generacija (2017), film
1. Gnomeo i Julija (2011), film...Lord Redbrick
2. Auti 2 (2011), film...Finn McMissile
3. Dunkirk (2017), film...Fortis Leader
4. Šerlok patuljak (2018), film...Lord Redbrick
5. Četvero djece i stvor (2020), film...Psammead
1. GivingTales (2015), serija