
Death Row Stories: The Wrong Gun

Death Row Stories (2020)

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EPIZODA: 6 - The Wrong Gun


In May 1992, four young men enter a park in Houston, Texas. Minutes later, one of them is dead from a bullet and a shotgun blast to the head. When police track down one of the surviving drug dealers, he names 17-year-old Nanon Williams as the shooter, and other witnesses back up the story. Nanon becomes one of just over thirty juveniles on death row in America, but he pleads his innocence. As his appeals attorneys reexamine the evidence, they learn that the state made a grave error: the bullet in the victim’s brain didn’t come from Nanon’s gun, but his co-defendant’s — a man who only served four years in prison. Prosecutors stand by the conviction, even as Nanon tries to prove he’s redeemed himself behind bars.


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