This is the improvisation of the deathless Vyacheslav Govoruhin's story «The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed». The action takes place in Moscow of 1919. The young Soviet republic is invested by a number of "white" armies. Inside Moscow there are armies of criminal outcasts. Newly created Moscow Criminal Investigation Department tries to make a difference under this conditions. Main characters are Nikolay Alexandrovich Varaksin (Alexander Domogarov) who the professional detective. After the Revolution is out of the running and nowadays he doesn't want to cope with the government that is alien to him. However, from force of circumstances and in order to protect his sister Anna (Liza Nilova), he agrees to conduct just one investigation. Eventually, he has to deal with the person he doesn't understand at all that is the revolutionary-oriented sailor Petr Sokolov (Vyacheslav Krikunov). What happens next goes without saying. It's up to the audience to decide how well I managed to make vivid and interesting story out of the old plot.


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