Broj epizoda: 10


It's a season of self-discovery for everyone, as Amy decides to spend time away from the farm, embarking on adventures with her boyfriend, Chris, and enjoying trips with friends. Matt and girlfriend Caryn consider whether their future is in Oregon with the farm, or in Arizona, where they've just purchased a home. New parents Zach and Tori are pushed to their limits as they juggle raising their one-year-old son Jackson, dealing with Zach's health scares, and trying to stay ahead of their mounting financial troubles—and to make it more hectic, they've just welcomed a new puppy into their lives! Against this tumultuous backdrop, Matt and Amy have come to a difficult crossroads and are faced with a major decision over what to do with the family farm. Old wounds surface between the couple as they struggle to come to an amicable conclusion that will be best for the whole family.

  • Epizoda 1.
    Happy Birthday Jackson
  • Epizoda 2.
    Welcome Home, Murphy!
  • Epizoda 3.
    The Other Side of the Farm
  • Epizoda 4.
    Two Houses, Two Mortgages
  • Epizoda 5.
    Home Sweet Home
  • Epizoda 6.
    God Doesn't Make Mistakes
  • Epizoda 7.
    A New House Hang
  • Epizoda 8.
    Is This the End?
  • Epizoda 9.
    To Buy Out or Not to Buy Out
  • Epizoda 10.
    Whose Farm Is it Anyway?
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