Broj epizoda: 8


Much has changed since viewers first fell in love with the Roloffs 14 years ago and the family dynamic continues to evolve following Matt and Amy's divorce. After Matt partially buys out Amy's stake in Roloff Farms, she decides that living 500 feet from her ex-husband no longer suits her lifestyle and embarks upon a journey to find a new home, and by extension, a new life. But it's not just Amy whose life is transforming; right as Zach and Tori are getting the hang of being parents to son Jackson, they find out Tori is pregnant again. On the other side of the farm, Matt and his girlfriend Caryn are figuring out what their future together looks like, and while a lot is up in the air, keeping up with the farm is still a top priority. Despite the obstacles and occasional disagreements, Matt and Amy do their best to put their ever-changing, modern family first, striving to give their children and grandchildren a strong foundation on which to grow.

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