
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)

Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Family, Adventure | New Zealand, United States
Director: Peter Jackson
Sky Cinema Select | 16/02/2025 | 14:30

Rating: 7.8/10
User rating: 6.8/10
(269 votes)


A reluctant Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, sets out to the Lonely Mountain with a spirited group of dwarves to reclaim their mountain home and the gold within it from the dragon Smaug.


The Hobbit: An Unexpected JourneyThe Hobbit: An Unexpected JourneyFoto: RTLFoto: RTLThe Hobbit: An Unexpected JourneyThe Hobbit: An Unexpected JourneyFoto: RTLFoto: RTL


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