Terms of use


During the use of the TvProfil site, all stated Rules and Terms, as well as all applicable laws, are hereby applied. TvProfil reserves the right to change these Terms of Use at any time and without prior notice. Changes come into effect at the time of publication. TvProfil is not responsible for any damages caused by these changes.

By accepting these Terms of Use, the user agrees that the TvProfil portal services will include advertisements, various notices, administrator messages and similar messages for notifying portal visitor / user, and for normal functioning of all services and portal content.

Privacy policy

Our Privacy Policy describes our practices concerning data that you provide or that we may collect about you through TvProfil Services, and you consent to our use of data in compliance with the Privacy Policy.

Use and Data Protection

When registering and using the TvProfil portal, you are required to ensure the completeness, truthfulness and accuracy of the data you provide. TvProfil undertakes to protect the privacy of the personal data of the user and advertiser in the sense of the Personal Data Protection Act and will be used only for the purpose of merging the advertiser and the user. By using TvProfil you agree that the information you have submitted will be accessible to anyone who is interested in them, in accordance with these Terms of Use. All data and photos posted by the user and marked "Private" will not be publicly available. This means that they are not available to any user of the TvProfil Portal as any employee of the TvProfil Team. All users of the TvProfil portal are asked that when uploading photos to TvProfil which are not their property, to respect their copyrights and are requested that their author or owner authorize them before placing them.

Copyright protection

Data on TvProfil are protected by the Copyright Act. Copyright related to TvProfil include texts, their formatting, image content, and other graphical images belonging to TvProfil and the license of the service provider and / or advertiser. Data may be used only in the manner provided by these Terms of Use. By using data for other purposes, as well as by copying, transcribing, distributing data, without our permission, you act contrary to the Copyright Act and undergo sanctions. TvProfil is exempted from liability and / or participation in any disputes relating to infringement and copyright protection of advertisers on TvProfil.

TvProfil Box (Phazer Box) is protected by copyright law and any unauthorized use and modification without a written permission will be considered a copyright infringement. The Phazer box module is allowed to be used solely in its original form.

Exclusion from use - damage compensation

TvProfil reserves the right to discontinue the use of the Site from the User who in any way violates the this Terms of Use, in any way interfere with the operation of the Site or in any way offend the rights of the other Users and the Advertisers. TvProfil also reserves the right to discontinue from the use of the Site those users who are abusing the published information or in any way unauthorized to use the TvProfil, and in particular:

  • Copying the content posted on the TvProfil and publish it to another advertising media
  • TvProfil Advertiser lobbying to advertise on similar pages, or in other advertising media, by contacting them in any way and offering their services
  • TVProfil, with the exclusion of such a user, may require compensation for incurred damages or lost profits.


TvProfil does not guarantee:

  • The accuracy, completeness, quality and truthfulness of TV schedules or texts that describe them
  • the jurisdiction of the other party in concluding the agreement, the accuracy, completeness and accuracy of the advertiser's personal data
  • That there will be no errors on the pages and / or will work without interruption at any time
  • That a third party will legally use the TvProfil site all the time

TvProfil Responsibility

TvProfil, up to the maximum permitted liability law, exempts any damages, losses or injuries that may arise directly or indirectly due to:

  • Use the TvProfil page
  • Use of pages that link to the site of the TvProfil
  • Information on the TvProfil page
  • Procedures that are taken or not taken regarding information on the TvProfil page
  • Use, inability to use or misuse any of the pages listed above

TvProfil can not be held liable for any content displayed on pages of third parties that may allow occasional access. Any such approach can not be interpreted in the sense of presenting a relationship with TvProfil, nor supporting such sites by TvProfil. TvProfile can contain links to other sites, but does not match the services or products that came with the TvProfil in this way. TvProfil may occasionally be inaccessible due to various technical difficulties. TvProfil is not responsible for any legal proceedings or complaints against advertisers based on any copyright or intellectual property rights breach.

TvProfil User’s obligations

The following procedures are strictly prohibited and unacceptable to all users of TvProfil:

  • False representation or representation on behalf of another physical or legal person
  • Publishing, sending, exchanging and transmitting information that a user knows or assumes are false and whose use could cause harm to other users
  • Publishing content that is discriminatory, vulgar, abusive, threatening, racist, chauvinistic, and / or pornographic and otherwise harmful to content and content that violates existing Croatian and / or international laws
  • Publishing content that is copyright protected
  • Manipulating information to conceal the origin of content that is published or sent via the TvProfil portal service
  • Consciously publishing, sending and exchanging content that contains viruses or similar computer files
  • Publishing, sending, and exchanging unwanted content to users without their consent or search
  • Using the TvProfil portal to send or promote the dissemination of non-commercial communications (so-called SPAM)
  • Collecting, storing and publishing personal information of other portal and user visitors

Registration of users and visitors of the TVprofil portal

By registering for TvProfil services, the user receives the user account information - username and password. The user is required to keep account data and is fully responsible for any damage caused by unauthorized use of his account. By ending the registration, the user accepts responsibility for all activities caused by the abuse of TvProfil.


For all claims and disputes that may arise from the use of the materials in question, the court in Zagreb is govern. TvProfil reserves the right to modify the content on www.tvprofil.com without prior notice at any time, in any way and for any reason, and is not responsible for any possible consequences resulting from such changes. By using TvProfil, the user acknowledges that he or she is familiar with the Terms of Use of the TvProfil and accepts them in its entirety.

TvProfil uses cookies to provide better user experience and functionality of the site. More information about cookies can be found here: privacy policy.