A boisterous homicide detective is partnered with a neurotic narc to fight organized crime in the Dutch city of Tilburg.
Strike Force is the most successful police action series of the Netherlands in the past decade. In the series, Theo Kamp is the best, but also the most impulsive homicide detective in his city. While searching for a top criminal, he steps out of line too many times and is relegated to the drugs team as punishment. Now, Theo is forced to keep his head down under the watchful eye of his new partner, Willem Niessen, a by-the-book detective.
This gripping crime drama details the tireless efforts of the city’s most dedicated and hardworking officers, and the problems they face every day as they risk their lives. Strike Force not only explores the complex, tumultuous cases that keep these cops working around the clock, but digs deeper in exploring the psychology of the two officers and their contrasting personalities.

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