The series follows three suburban Michigan mothers, two of whom are sisters, who are having a hard time trying to make ends meet. They are tired of having everything taken away from them so they decide to pull off an unlikely heist by robbing a supermarket, only to discover that they're in for more than they bargained. Their successful robbery attracts the attention of the store manager after he recognizes one of the women, but for a different reason altogether than just the money.

Беше по каналите:

STAR Crime BG  

  • Хуберт и Щалер (2011)

    A show about two police officers from Wolfsrathausen who sometimes work a bit differently.
  • Бруклин 99 (2013)

    Captain Ray Holt (Andre Braugher) takes over Brooklyn's 99th precinct, which includes Detective Jake Peralta (Andy Samberg), a talented but carefree detective...
  • Donna Leon (2000)

    In each story, Venetian detective commissioner Guido Brunetti investigates and solves one or more crimes, usually including murder, in the doges' city, with some...
  • Сомердал (2020)

    A love triangle between Dan Sommerdahl, his wife Marianne Sommerdahl and their best friend Flemming Torp occurs as they try to solves killings in Helsingør.
Топ списъци

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