Polish medical drama. Real medical cases filled with twists, turns and surprises. The focus of the narrative is on the life of doctors and nurses.

Беше по каналите:

TVP Polonia  

  • Розамунде Пилхер (1993)

    A series of television movies based on the works of Rosamunde Pilcher, a popular British writer of romance novels and short stories.
  • Докоснати от слънцето (2013)

    По повод нејзиниот неодамнешен брак со Сифис (Апостолис Тоцикас), Мелина (Елени Ваитсу) доаѓа да помине време во Атина со нејзините пријатели од Крит. Еден млад...
  • Na sygnale (2014)

    The series shows the work of paramedics of the ambulance service.
  • Гордост и предразсъдъци (1995)

    Jane Austen's classic novel about the prejudice that occurred between the 19th century classes and the pride which would keep lovers apart.
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