
Spa of Embarrassing Illnesses: Live from the Clinic

Embarrassing Bodies (2012)

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Emisija nije dostupna u zemlji


EPIZODA: 14 - Live from the Clinic


n May and June of this year, nearly a hundred patients consulted Dr Christian Jessen and Dr Dawn Harper for medical advice over the internet. What Happened Next? catches up with a number of patients who took part who have already benefited from the advice or treatment they received. Among the many men and women featured, there's the student rugby player who memorably ripped an intimate piercing, and needed reconstructive surgery on his penis, and the woman who wanted help reducing the size of her particularly large breasts.


Spa of Embarrassing IllnessesSpa of Embarrassing IllnessesSpa of Embarrassing IllnessesSpa of Embarrassing IllnessesSpa of Embarrassing IllnessesSpa of Embarrassing IllnessesSpa of Embarrassing IllnessesSpa of Embarrassing IllnessesSpa of Embarrassing Illnesses


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