
Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond the Lobby: Qasr Al Sarab, Abu Dhabi

Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond the Lobby (2017)

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EPIZODA: 5 - Qasr Al Sarab, Abu Dhabi


Giles Coren and Monica Galetti visit Qasr Al Sarab Desert Resort, an extraordinary hotel built where people usually struggle to survive - deep in a Middle East desert. Surrounded as far as they eye can see by vast sand dunes and scorching heat, guests relax in palatial comfort with swimming pools, huge baths and lush gardens. Giles and Monica explore how all this water use is made possible and meet the staff who are coping with living and providing hotel service in such an extreme environment.


Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond the LobbyAmazing Hotels: Life Beyond the LobbyAmazing Hotels: Life Beyond the LobbyAmazing Hotels: Life Beyond the LobbyAmazing Hotels: Life Beyond the LobbyAmazing Hotels: Life Beyond the LobbyAmazing Hotels: Life Beyond the LobbyAmazing Hotels: Life Beyond the LobbyAmazing Hotels: Life Beyond the LobbyAmazing Hotels: Life Beyond the LobbyAmazing Hotels: Life Beyond the LobbyAmazing Hotels: Life Beyond the LobbyAmazing Hotels: Life Beyond the LobbyAmazing Hotels: Life Beyond the LobbyAmazing Hotels: Life Beyond the Lobby


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